Couverture En Laine
this is just to fill empty area of this tag
this is just to fill empty area of this tag

this is just to fill empty area of this tag

this is just to fill empty area of this tag

this is just to fill empty area of this tag

this is just to fill empty area of this tag

this is just to fill empty area of this tag

this is just to fill empty area of this tag

this is just to fill empty area of this tag

Couverture En Laine
this is just to fill empty area of this tag
- 94% Laine / 6% Cachemire
- Finition tout autour de la couture de couverture artisanale
- Conception d'arbre géométrique Four Seasons
- Logo Four Seasons tissé en jacquard
- Arrive magnifiquement dans notre emballage sur mesure parfait pour offrir ou stocker
Fabriqué en Italie
this is just to fill empty area of this tag
- 145 x 200 cm / 57" x 79"
this is just to fill empty area of this tag
- Nettoyage à Sec
this is just to fill empty area of this tag
this is just to fill empty area of this tag
this is just to fill empty area of this tag
this is just to fill empty area of this tag
this is just to fill empty area of this tag